Friday, March 11, 2011


Dear Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Transgender, straight folks and their friends:

The other day I was hijacking my friend's netflix online account and stumbled upon the "gay and lesbian" genre. Of course there were your typical GLB films and TV shows; The L word, Itty Bitty Titty Committee, DEBS, A Single Man, etc. I don't get cable, so netflix is now my way of catching up with trending TV shows - or watching them a year after they start trending and be completely behind.. but hey, who's complaining! :)

So back to the story; I was looking at the gay and lesbian movies, and I saw a TV series that caught my eye. The show is called Transgeneration. I'm only on the second episode, but it's giving me much more insight on transgendered people in general. I suggest watching it if you're interested. Thanks LOGO.

SPIKEY: Spikey will be competing in NATIONALS this coming week for Mr. Drag King (not exactly sure about the title of the competition, if anyone has info, let me know asap and I'll update the post). So everyone go visit the link on the right (spikey's facebook) and wish him/her good luck!

- which brings up another issue about transgender etiquette. Boy, I can't wait to do a segment on that!

I would also like to extend my thoughts and prayers out to Japan. If you'd like to donate $10 to disaster relief, text REDCROSS to 90999.


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